投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Elon Musk just now realizing that self-driving cars are a ‘hard problem’

Elon Musk just now realizing that self-driving cars are a ‘hard problem’ https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/5/22563751/tesla-elon-musk-full-self-driving-admission-autopilot-crash @Vergeより

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Pentagon cancels $10 billion JEDI cloud contract that Amazon and Microsoft were fighting over

Pentagon cancels $10 billion JEDI cloud contract that Amazon and Microsoft were fighting over https://cnb.cx/3dLuzX6

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ARM Macs: Will Virtualbox be ported ?

ARM Macs: Will Virtualbox be ported ?

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社会問題との関係変化 “ツバメのマンション”に異変

社会問題との関係変化 “ツバメのマンション”に異変(静岡県)(静岡放送(SBS))

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Future Meat Technologies Launches World’s First Industrial Cultured Meat Production Facility

Future Meat Technologies Launches World’s First Industrial Cultured Meat Production Facility https://prn.to/3xQfBGy

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Linux 5.13 Released With Apple M1 Bringup, Landlock, FreeSync HDMI + Much More

Linux 5.13 Released With Apple M1 Bringup, Landlock, FreeSync HDMI + Much More http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-5.13-Released @phoronixより

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日本、サイバー能力見劣り 主要国で最下位グループ

日本、サイバー能力見劣り 主要国で最下位グループ | 2021/6/28 – 共同通信 https://nordot.app/782149666550906880

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【独自】警告に職員気付かずベッドから転落…介護ロボ使用中の事故、年間70件以上 : 医療・健康 : 読売新聞オンライン https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/medical/20210626-OYT1T50143/

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T4g + Amazon Linux 2 + goofys + PHP8

mount S3 by Goofys install Goofys