Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

The other reason to split up California

The other reason to split up California – CNNPoliticsThe proposal backed by a California billionaire to carve up the nation’s most populous state into three new states is either quixotic or cutting edge, but it seems very likely to find its way before …


“未来のハイエース”に勝機?トヨタと組むウーバーCEOの青写真モビリティ革命「MaaS(Mobility as a Service)」の実像に迫る特集の4回目。製造業からサービス業への転身を図るトヨタ自動車が、「ここだけは譲れない」と語気を強めるのが「モビリティサービスプラットフォーム(MSPF)」だ。専用の自動運転EV「e-Palette Concept」も発表し、米ウーバー、米アマゾン、中国・滴滴出行(ディディチューシン)、マツダなどと“同盟”を組んだ。その戦略とサービスの中身は――。ウーバーC…

Struggle to get up in the morning? You’re at risk of early death

Struggle to get up in the morning? You’re at risk of early deathA six-year study of nearly half a million people in the UK has found that people who were night owls were 10 per cent more likely to die during that time period

Artist Paints with the Sun Using Magnifying Glass as His Brush

Artist Paints with the Sun Using Magnifying Glass as His BrushArtist Paints with the Sun Using Magnifying Glass as His BrushThe word heliography usually refers to a photographic process invented in 1822, but Colorado-based artist Michael Papadakis has …

イラク日報435日分、防衛省公表 「戦闘」の記述複数

イラク日報435日分、防衛省公表 「戦闘」の記述複数:朝日新聞デジタル 防衛省は16日午後、これまで「存在しない」としてきた自衛隊のイラク派遣の際の活動報告(日報)を公表した。同省幹部によると、日報の複数の箇所で「戦闘」という文言が記されているという。「自衛隊の派遣先は……

Apple memo warning employees about leaking gets leaked

Apple memo warning employees about leaking gets leakedApple warns leakers that “they’re getting caught faster than ever.”

Facial recognition used to catch suspect in crowd of 60,000 concertgoers

Facial recognition used to catch suspect in crowd of 60,000 concertgoers – Headlines, features, photo and videos from |china|news|chinanews|ecns| is the official English-language website of China News Service (CNS), a state-level news agency …

AV1 beats x264 and libvpx-vp9 in practical use case

AV1 beats x264 and libvpx-vp9 in practical use caseA performance test of AV1, a new open, royalty-free video format, finds it surpasses its stated goal of 30% better compression in common real-world use cases.

「個人情報を国外に出さず、管理する」IT基本方針から予想する未来 | SciencePortal China

「個人情報を国外に出さず、管理する」IT基本方針から予想する未来 | SciencePortal China2018年4月2日