投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Popularity of open source software leads to security risks

Popularity of open source software leads to security risks – https://betanews.com/2022/06/21/popularity-of-open-source-software-leads-to-security-risks/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)


トラック運送業界でM&A急増、人手不足と「○○不足」でさらに再編加速も | 物流専門紙カーゴニュース発 | ダイヤモンド・オンライン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/305088(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Share your Linux terminal with tmate

Share your Linux terminal with tmate https://red.ht/3aPaaSi via @opensourceway by @Bytesofbinary(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

認知症で行方不明1万7636人 21年、過去最多 9年連続で増加

認知症の行方不明者、昨年1年で1万7636人 過去最多:朝日新聞デジタル https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQ6R3D0WQ6QUTIL05H.html(Feed generated with FetchRSS)


認知症ケアに役立つ“音”、落合陽一さんのベンチャー企業と塩野義製薬が共同開発  https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2206/21/news135.html#utm_term=share_sp(Feed generated with FetchRSS)


「薬不足はあと3年続く」薬局経営者が語る“ジェネリック大号令”の失策ぶり | News https://diamond.jp/articles/-/304861(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

塩野義飲み薬なるか「緊急承認」第1号 22日審議、ウイルス抑制効果に期待

塩野義飲み薬なるか「緊急承認」第1号 22日審議、ウイルス抑制効果に期待 https://www.sankei.com/article/20220619-YNS27DI62ZPCNLY2CU6WC5JJ7U/ @Sankei_newsから(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Twitter can you please help? We have a tag that has fallen off one of @mindtheTrapp’s oystercatchers. Someone vi…

RT @StuBearhop: Twitter can you please help? We have a tag that has fallen off one of @mindtheTrapp’s oystercatchers. Someone visiting Orkney in the last few days seems to have found it and taken it to London. Can you please RT and/or get in touch if y…

Apple Faces German Antitrust Probe Into App Tracking Transparency

Apple Faces German Antitrust Probe Into App Tracking Transparency http://www.macrumors.com/2022/06/14/apple-faces-antitrust-probe-into-att/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)