投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

India to standardize USB-C charging on mobiles by 2025

India to standardize USB-C charging on mobiles by 2025

India to standardize USB-C charging on mobiles by 2025 https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/29/23530650/india-usbc-charging-standard-2025-iphone-eu @Vergeより(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

日本総研が発信。医療、社会保障に開かれた議論を 注目が集まるプライマリ・ケアの可能性

日本総研が発信。医療、社会保障に開かれた議論を 注目が集まるプライマリ・ケアの可能性

日本総研が発信。医療、社会保障に開かれた議論を 注目が集まるプライマリ・ケアの可能性 https://dhbr.diamond.jp/articles/-/9020(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

US military biometric capture devices loaded with data were sold on eBay

US military biometric capture devices loaded with data were sold on eBay

US military biometric capture devices loaded with data were sold on eBay https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/27/23528338/us-military-biometric-devices-fingerprints-pictures-iris-scans-afghanistan @Vergeより(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

3DCGの夜明け 〜日本のフルCGアニメの未来を探る〜

3DCGの夜明け 〜日本のフルCGアニメの未来を探る〜

月岡貞夫 (アニメーション作家)【3DCGの夜明け 〜日本のフルCGアニメの未来を探る〜 第29回/2016年9月号】|INTERVIEW インタビュー|http://EE.jp http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/sp/ee_cgmovie/interview/029.html(Feed generated with FetchRSS)…



「映画を早送りで観る人たち」の出現は本当に“恐ろしい未来”なのか?|稲田豊史|光文社新書 @kobunsha_shin #光文社新書 #私の仕事 https://shinsho.kobunsha.com/n/n9b124a2269a1(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Tesla owner says he had to cancel Christmas plans because car would not charge in freezing weather

Tesla owner says he had to cancel Christmas plans because car would not charge in freezing weather

Tesla owner says he had to cancel Christmas plans because car would not charge in freezing weather https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/tesla-owner-says-cancel-christmas-plans-car-would-not-charge-freezing-weather #FoxBusiness(Feed generated with Fet…



台湾が兵役義務延長を正式発表、ウクライナ戦争からも教訓 https://reut.rs/3FZthVw(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Colorado ski town emergency dispatch centers fielding dozens of automated 911 calls from skier iPhones

Colorado ski town emergency dispatch centers fielding dozens of automated 911 calls from skier iPhones

Colorado ski town emergency dispatch centers fielding dozens of automated 911 calls from skier iPhones https://coloradosun.com/2022/12/26/skier-iphone-crash-detection-calls/ @coloradosunより(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Use your Raspberry Pi as a data logger

Use your Raspberry Pi as a data logger

Use your Raspberry Pi as a data logger https://red.ht/3C6jkTQ via @opensourceway(Feed generated with FetchRSS)