
Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

It’s official, people aren’t watching TV as much as they used to

It’s official, people aren’t watching TV as much as they used to

New reports from Nielsen and Leichtman Research both highlight how quickly traditional TV is losing the fight to streaming, TikTok, and YouTube…

Unsolved Wendy’s outbreak shows challenges of fighting foodborne illnesses

Unsolved Wendy’s outbreak shows challenges of fighting foodborne illnesses

We’re failing at preventing foodborne outbreaks—and solving them. We will never know for certain what caused a large, multistate outbreak of E…

Two US lawyers fined for submitting fake court citations from ChatGPT

Two US lawyers fined for submitting fake court citations from ChatGPT

Law firm also penalised after chatbot invented six legal cases that were then used in an aviation injury claim..

JR East System Failure Leaves Suica App Users Stranded at Ticket Gates

JR East System Failure Leaves Suica App Users Stranded at Ticket Gates

JR East announced on Saturday that the system failure earlier the day that had prevented Mobile Suica app user…

クボタ、無人コンバイン公開 農作業効率向上

クボタ、無人コンバイン公開 農作業効率向上


Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Facial recognition has been one of the hallmark features of Google Photos since the app’s release, but it’s recently gotten a lot more powerful …



政府は9日、東京電力管内で7、8月の2か月間に限り、節電要請を行うことを正式に決定した。昨年に続き2年連続で、数値目標は設けない。東電管内以外の地域は節電を要請しない …

セルフレジ導入で「仕事が増えた」店員の悲鳴 「苛立つ客の操作補助がストレス」「万引きの判断が難しすぎる」

セルフレジ導入で「仕事が増えた」店員の悲鳴 「苛立つ客の操作補助がストレス」「万引きの判断が難しすぎる」

人手不足の解消や業務の省力化などを狙って、スーパーやコンビニで相次いで導入されるようになった「セルフレジ」。商品のバーコード読み取りから会計操作までを客自身が行なうため、慣れない中高年層を中心に戸惑いの声は多い。ただ、戸惑っているのは来店客ばかりではない …

New Honda EM1 e: electric scooter unveiled

New Honda EM1 e: electric scooter unveiled

Honda has unveiled the EM1 e: e-scooter in Europe. Announced last September, the new model will be the first two-wheeled EV from the brand to launch on the continent …