Pokémon GO influencers threaten a boycott after Niantic removes COVID safety measures
Pokémon GO influencers threaten a boycott after Niantic removes COVID safety measures https://tcrn.ch/3C65bpt @techcrunchより
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Pokémon GO influencers threaten a boycott after Niantic removes COVID safety measures https://tcrn.ch/3C65bpt @techcrunchより
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The best chat software for Linux, macOS and Windows isn’t Slack https://tek.io/3j2K52i @techrepublicより
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RT @gigazine: Linuxディストリビューション「Debian」をスマートフォン上で実行する「Mobian」
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OpenAI proposes open-source Triton language as an alternative to Nvidia’s CUDA https://zd.net/3ydM629 @ZDNet & @TiernanRayTechより
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IBMのオープンソース日本語フォント「IBM Plex Sans JP」の実力をデザイナーが検証してみた https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2107/30/news171.html#utm_term=share_sp
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商用でも利用可能なAI音声合成ソフトウェア『VOICEVOX』がオープンソースとして無料でリリース |DTMステーション https://www.dtmstation.com/archives/41014.html
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Nuclear reactor shut due to malfunction: Taipower https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2021/07/28/2003761562
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Google Maps Platform の小売業向けソリューションで、オンラインとオフラインのショッピング体験を改善 @googlecloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/maps-platform/improve-online-offline-experiences-google-maps-platform-retail-solutions/
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Notice Regarding the Initiation of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial for a COVID-19 Therapeutic Agent in Japan
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