Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Essential now direct selling to Canada, UK, France, Germany, and Japan

Essential now direct selling to Canada, UK, France, Germany, and JapanThe Essential Phone and 360 Camera are in demand around the world — according to Essential. So the company is responding by selling its phone and acc… by Jason Hahn in Essential, N…

People with more fast food outlets near their home more likely to develop heart disease

People with more fast food outlets near their home more likely to develop heart disease

Huawei has been developing its own OS for smartphones, tablets, and PCs

Huawei has been developing its own OS for smartphones, tablets, and PCs – Neowin

These sneakers are made from recycled chewing gum

These sneakers are made from recycled chewing gumOld chewing gum gets a second life in these gumshoes

Gmail set for ‘entire rewrite’ in biggest overhaul for five years

Gmail set for ‘entire rewrite’ in biggest overhaul for five years | Technology | The Guardian



Chinese firms pledge to end sexist job ads

Chinese firms pledge to end sexist job adsSome adverts offered “men only” jobs while others wanted “trim” women applicants, Human Rights Watch found.

「潜伏キリシタン」世界遺産へ 「奄美・沖縄」は登録延期

「潜伏キリシタン」世界遺産へ 「奄美・沖縄」は登録延期【産経新聞号外】潜伏キリシタン世界遺産へ[PDF]政府は4日、国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ)の世界文化遺産に「長崎と天草地方の潜伏キリシタン関連遺産」(長崎県……

Googleから出たWi-Fiルーター「Google Wifi」はマニアも納得の家庭用機能満載だった

Googleから出たWi-Fiルーター「Google Wifi」はマニアも納得の家庭用機能満載だった – ケータイ Watch