
Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

To be clear: Pale Moon is in no way associated or affiliated with the Mozilla Corporation.

RT @palemoonbrowser: To be clear: Pale Moon is in no way associated or affiliated with the Mozilla Corporation.

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Take a pulse on health and wellness with your phone @google

Take a pulse on health and wellness with your phone @google

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AlmaLinux, the CentOS Linux replacement, beta is out

AlmaLinux, the CentOS Linux replacement, beta is out @ZDNet & @sjvnより

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Why doesn’t Japan excel in software as they did in hardware?

海外「なぜ日本はハードウェアの時代と同じようにソフトウェアに秀でることができない?」 #Qiita @e99h2121より

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Memo: Voice Communication via Internet

著名人らが連日大盛り上がりの「Clubhouse」音声技術を丸裸に by 岩沢 真実 音声アプリ開発者 2021.02.09- 「枯れた技術の水平思考」で開発、特別な技術は何もない Clubhouseだけじゃない。“音声…

Why Red Hat killed CentOS—a CentOS board member speaks

Why Red Hat killed CentOS—a CentOS board member speaks

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WordPress Community Team Proposes Using a Decision Checklist to Restart Local Events

WordPress Community Team Proposes Using a Decision Checklist to Restart Local Events @wptavernより

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AsahiLinux: Our website is finally ready!

RT @AsahiLinux: Our website is finally ready! Thanks again to @soundflora* for designing and programming this for us in record time!

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Historical trends in the usage statistics of Linux subcategories, 2010-2020

Historical trends in the usage statistics of Linux subcategories, January 2021 – @W3Techsより

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