投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Android’s new Sound Notifications feature will alert users to their surroundings

Android’s new Sound Notifications feature will alert users to their surroundings #Android #a11y: https://www.neowin.net/news/androids-new-sound-notifications-feature-will-alert-users-to-their-surroundings @NeowinFeedより

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HeadlessCMSとは?WordPressに取って代わる「新定番のCMS」となるか https://goworkship.com/magazine/headlesscms/ #workship @goworkshipより

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Almost 20,000 Amazon workers in US test positive for Covid-19 https://t.co/T3Y0vnZWgD

Almost 20,000 Amazon workers in US test positive for Covid-19 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/oct/02/almost-20000-amazon-workers-in-us-test-positive-for-covid-19?CMP=share_btn_tw

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setup Laravel 8,7 on CentOS8

Check: Laravel + AdminLTE + Vue.JS Laravel 8 -> Vue.js非推奨か・・・まだ Use Caseも少ないか・・・Laravel 7 -> jeroennoten…


16年連続で増加する高齢者の就業者数、COVID-19の影響により4月のみ前年同月比で減少 | スラド http://srad.jp/story/20/09/21/017242/

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Ride easy with new biking features in Google Maps @google

Ride easy with new biking features in Google Maps @google https://blog.google/products/maps/ride-easy-new-biking-features-google-maps/

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暮らしの安心感を向上、また、家電の自動コントロールを実現する住まい用IoTサービスです。専用アプリを使って、スマホで簡単設定&操作。目的にあわせて自由にカスタマイズすることができます。 インテリジェントホームをご利用のお…

C4A Research Institute

Yes, Conversation we need.

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NASA wants private companies to sell it Moon rocks and dust

NASA wants private companies to sell it Moon rocks and dust https://www.slashgear.com/nasa-wants-private-companies-to-sell-it-moon-rocks-and-dust-10637649/ @slashgearより

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