投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

中国、ガソリン車を2035年に全廃へ すべて環境車に

中国、ガソリン車を2035年に全廃へ すべて環境車に (朝日新聞デジタル) https://news.line.me/articles/oa-rp84322/945a94c0b792?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=none

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フルモデルチェンジを遂げた iPad Air(第4世代) Proをしのぐ性能でコスパは十分

石野純也のMobile Eye:フルモデルチェンジを遂げた「iPad Air(第4世代)」を試す Proをしのぐ性能でコスパは十分 (2/3) – ITmedia Mobile https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2010/24/news030_2.html

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Tokyo Olympics: Russian hackers targeted Games, UK says

Tokyo Olympics: Russian hackers targeted Games, UK says

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UK to ban any use of hand-held mobile phones while driving

UK to ban any use of hand-held mobile phones while driving https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/oct/17/uk-bans-any-use-of-mobile-phones-while-driving?CMP=share_btn_tw

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Apparently, Food Scented Face Masks Are A Trend This Week

Apparently, Food Scented Face Masks Are A Trend This Week

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スマートフォンの値下げが止まらない、新型コロナ以上に深刻な理由 https://techtarget.itmedia.co.jp/tt/news/2010/17/news01.html#utm_term=share_sp

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China watches 170,000 years’ worth of short videos every day

China watches 170,000 years’ worth of short videos every day https://www.theregister.com/2020/10/15/china_short_video_consumption/ @theregisterより

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China’s digital yuan tests leap forward in Shenzhen

China’s digital yuan tests leap forward in Shenzhen https://tcrn.ch/33Ndh78 @techcrunchより

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「日本のインターネットの父」慶大の村井純教授が内閣官房参与に デジタル政策分野を担当

「日本のインターネットの父」慶大の村井純教授が内閣官房参与に デジタル政策分野を担当 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2010/13/news142.html#utm_term=share_sp

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