投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Linux kernel modules we can’t live without

Linux kernel modules we can’t live without https://red.ht/3jh9Tcp via @opensourceway by @jenwike

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マンション「管理拒否」増加 前代未聞のはずが 管理会社の事情は

マンション「管理拒否」増加 前代未聞のはずが 管理会社の事情は:朝日新聞デジタル https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASP965W76P91ULEI002.html

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Re:Earth – The Digital Story Archive.

Re:Earth is a tool that allows you to create and publish digital archives that tell stories.It allows you to e…


地域と共創するワーケーションプロジェクトが小田原市に採用されました https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000006.000060979.html @PRTIMES_JPより

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GitHub merges ‘useless garbage’ says Linus Torvalds as new NTFS support added to Linux kernel 5.15

GitHub merges ‘useless garbage’ says Linus Torvalds as new NTFS support added to Linux kernel 5.15 https://www.theregister.com/2021/09/06/github_merges_useless_garbage_says/ @theregisterより

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NASA’s Perseverance Rover Successfully Cores Its First Rock – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Successfully Cores Its First Rock – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program https://mars.nasa.gov/news/9027/nasas-perseverance-rover-successfully-cores-its-first-rock/#.YTWQHMJ6Kwk.twitter

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UK children’s digital privacy code comes into effect

UK children’s digital privacy code comes into effect https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/sep/02/uk-childrens-digital-privacy-code-comes-into-effect

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家中をスマート化する“スマートホームガジェット”がおトク価格に! Amazonでセール開催中 https://japanese.engadget.com/sale-smart-home-015027733.html @engadgetjpより

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IFTL and inQs Harvest Power From Colorless, Virtually Clear Glass

無色透明なのに太陽光で発電できる「発電ガラス」販売開始 – 家電 Watch https://kaden.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1347759.html

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