Linux kernel modules we can’t live without

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Open source enthusiasts weigh in on the Linux kernel modules they love.

The Linux kernel is turning 30 this year! If you’re like us, that’s a big deal and we are celebrating Linux this week with a couple of special posts. Today we start with a roundup of responses from around the community answering “What Linux kernel module can you not live without? And, why?” Let’s hear what these 10 enthusiasts have to say.

I guess some kernel developers will run away screaming when they hear my answer. Still, I list here two of the most controversial modules: First is NVIDIA, as I have an NVIDIA graphics card on my work laptop and my personal desktop. The other one probably generates less hatred—the VMNET and VMMON modules from VMware to be able to run VMware Workstation. —Peter Czanik