
Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

世界初、ミュー粒子で「地下ナビ」成功 東大、NECなど

世界初、ミュー粒子で「地下ナビ」成功 東大、NECなど


Internet is out for much of Western Alaska, and repairs could take weeks

Internet is out for much of Western Alaska, and repairs could take weeks

Repairs to a fiber optic data cable suppling nearly all of Western Alaska are underway, though a full restoration of internet and some cell service could take up to two months. That’s the word from Quintillion President Mike McHale…

AWS US-East-1 Lamda outage causes issues globally

AWS US-East-1 Lamda outage causes issues globally

Cloud service goes down in its biggest region. Amazon Web Services is experiencing an outage at its US-East-1 cloud region…

Today we celebrate 30 years of #FreeBSD

Today we celebrate 30 years of #FreeBSD

Today we celebrate 30 years of #FreeBSD. Happy Birthday FreeBSD, and happy FreeBSD Day to all!



2023年7月10日(月)16:50 – 18:35 (Zoomウェビナー)



Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Facial recognition has been one of the hallmark features of Google Photos since the app’s release, but it’s recently gotten a lot more powerful …

Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s new ,499 AR headset

Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s new $3,499 AR headset

Apple has announced an augmented reality headset called Apple Vision Pro that “seamlessly” blends the real and digital world. “It’s the first Apple product you look through, and not at,” CEO Tim Cook said of the device, which looks like a pair of ski goggles …

Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS

Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Azure Linux container host for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The Azure Linux container host for AKS is a lightweight, secure, and reliable OS platform optimized for performance on Azure …



~G7群馬高崎デジタル・技術大臣会合で河野大臣など各国要人含め約300人が事業へ関心~ 株式会社Eukarya(読み:ユーカリヤ、本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役:田村賢哉)は、2022年11月11日にデジタル庁主催「デジ…