Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

無料で使えるAI音声合成サービス「CoeFont STUDIO」

無料で使えるAI音声合成サービス「CoeFont STUDIO」商用利用も可 @ledgeaiより

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Clubhouse downloads are falling off a cliff: The app was downloaded only about 900,000 times in April, down from February’s peak…

Clubhouse downloads are falling off a cliff: The app was downloaded only about 900,000 times in April, down from February’s peak of 9.6 million…

Microsoft to fully remove Adobe Flash from Windows 10 in July

Microsoft to fully remove Adobe Flash from Windows 10 in July @Vergeより

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N.Y.P.D. Robot Dog’s Run Is Cut Short After Fierce Backlash

N.Y.P.D. Robot Dog’s Run Is Cut Short After Fierce Backlash

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EU accuses Apple of anti-competitive behavior, with billions on the line

EU accuses Apple of anti-competitive behavior, with billions on the line @mashableより

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【山田祥平のRe:config.sys】バンドでもないウォッチでもない普通のウェアラブルデバイスが欲しい – PC Watch @pc_watchより

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子供の見守りに必携のGPSトラッカー。どこかなGPSとGPS BoTを試す

【レビュー】子供の見守りに必携のGPSトラッカー。どこかなGPSとGPS BoTを試す-Impress Watch @impress_watchより

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Troy Hunt: Data From The Emotet Malware is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and NHTCU

Troy Hunt: Data From The Emotet Malware is Now Searchable in Have I Been Pwned, Courtesy of the FBI and NHTCU

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FDA Commits to Evidence-Based Actions Aimed at Saving Lives and Preventing Future Generations of Smokers

FDA Commits to Evidence-Based Actions Aimed at Saving Lives and Preventing Future Generations of Smokers…