Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic AbuseInternet-connected home devices that are marketed as the newest conveniences are also being used to harass, monitor and control.
New approach to immunotherapy leads to complete response in breast cancer patient unresponsive to other treatmentsA novel approach to immunotherapy has led to the complete regression of breast cancer in a patient who was unresponsive to all other treat…
ボッチャについて | 日本ボッチャ協会ボッチャは、ヨーロッパで生まれた重度脳性麻痺者もしくは同程度の四肢重度機能障がい者のために考案されたスポーツで、パラリンピックの正式種目です。 ジャックボール(目標球)と呼ばれる白いボールに、赤・青のそれぞれ6球ずつのボールを投げたり、転がしたり、他のボールに当てたりして、いかに近づけるかを競います。…
Researchers are keeping pig brains alive outside the body – MIT Technology ReviewIf it were tried on a person, it might mean awakening in the ultimate sensory deprivation chamber.
Surprise! Wireless brain implants are not secure, and can be hijacked to kill you or steal thoughtsScience-fiction horror trope now a reality in 2018
Struggle to get up in the morning? You’re at risk of early deathA six-year study of nearly half a million people in the UK has found that people who were night owls were 10 per cent more likely to die during that time period
Hacking your brain(scan): security bugs in EEG software open hospitals to attackCisco Talos reveals “multiple vulnerabilities” in hardware common at hospitals.