Tesla starts using cabin cameras to make sure drivers are paying attention
Tesla starts using cabin cameras to make sure drivers are paying attention https://cnb.cx/3i1m652
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Fitbit preparing snore and noise detection, and ‘Your sleep animal’ [Gallery] https://9to5google.com/2021/05/27/fitbit-snore-and-noise-detection-your-sleep-animal/ @SkylledDevより
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What’s new for Wear @google https://blog.google/products/wear-os/wear-io21/
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無料で使えるAI音声合成サービス「CoeFont STUDIO」商用利用も可 https://ledge.ai/yellston-coefont-studio/ @ledgeaiより
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【山田祥平のRe:config.sys】バンドでもないウォッチでもない普通のウェアラブルデバイスが欲しい – PC Watch https://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/column/config/1322292.html @pc_watchより
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