Intel is giving up on its smart glasses
Intel is giving up on its smart glassesIntel’s wearables division is getting shut down
Intel is giving up on its smart glassesIntel’s wearables division is getting shut down
Introducing Microsoft Azure Sphere: Secure and power the intelligent edgeIn the next decade, nearly every consumer gadget, every household appliance, and every industrial device will be connected to the Internet. These connected devices will also becom…
“未来のハイエース”に勝機?トヨタと組むウーバーCEOの青写真モビリティ革命「MaaS(Mobility as a Service)」の実像に迫る特集の4回目。製造業からサービス業への転身を図るトヨタ自動車が、「ここだけは譲れない」と語気を強めるのが「モビリティサービスプラットフォーム(MSPF)」だ。専用の自動運転EV「e-Palette Concept」も発表し、米ウーバー、米アマゾン、中国・滴滴出行(ディディチューシン)、マツダなどと“同盟”を組んだ。その戦略とサービスの中身は――。ウーバーC…
The world’s first automated triple display laptop engineered with three high resolution 17.3 inch 4K displays, bringing you the ultimate mobile desktop.
…’s self-driving software is now accessible to anyone who can read the code.
I have been a developer using primarily open source technologies on Macs for over 12 years. I originally switched from Windows to Mac because I…