投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory


白血病に苦しむ人を1人でも多く救いたい。株式会社Liquid Mineインタビュー|Chiyo #note https://note.com/chiyo_w_kamino/n/n3c8a023d1c6e

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Meet the Slack-backed Voice Messaging Start-Up, Yac

Meet the Slack-backed Voice Messaging Start-Up, Yac https://www.uctoday.com/collaboration/team-collaboration/meet-the-slack-backed-voice-messaging-start-up-yac/ @uctodaynewsより

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The UX of Voice: The Invisible Interface

The UX of Voice: The Invisible Interface

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スマートウォッチの所有率は38.0%、うち78.7%が「新品端末」、「中古端末」は8.7% スマートウォッチでよく利用する機能の上位は「歩数計、通知、心拍測定」

スマートウォッチの所有率は38.0%、うち78.7%が「新品端末」、「中古端末」は8.7% スマートウォッチでよく利用する機能の上位は「歩数計、通知、心拍測定」|MMD研究所 https://mmdlabo.jp/investigation/detail_1930.html

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Lawyer shows up in Zoom court with face filter on and has to assure judge he’s ‘not a cat’

Lawyer shows up in Zoom court with face filter on and has to assure judge he’s ‘not a cat’ https://mashable.com/article/lawyer-zoom-face-filter-kitten-texas/ @mashableより

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Clubhouse banned in China

Clubhouse banned in China https://mashable.com/article/clubhouse-banned-china/ @mashableより

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After 20 years, top female Red Hat exec Delisa Alexander cashes out

After 20 years, top female Red Hat exec Delisa Alexander cashes out | WRAL TechWire https://www.wraltechwire.com/2021/02/10/after-20-years-top-female-red-hat-exec-delisa-alexander-cashes-out/

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Multi-Access Edge Computing

Multi-Access Edge Computing

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高齢者にスマホ3000台を無償貸与、渋谷区が9月開始へ オンライン健康相談にも

高齢者にスマホ3000台を無償貸与、渋谷区が9月開始へ オンライン健康相談にも – ITmedia NEWS https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2102/03/news126.html

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