投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

To cool datacenter servers, Microsoft turns to boiling liquid

To cool datacenter servers, Microsoft turns to boiling liquid https://news.microsoft.com/innovation-stories/datacenter-liquid-cooling/

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A child sent out gibberish tweet from official US Nuclear-agency account

A child sent out gibberish tweet from official US Nuclear-agency account https://www.hackread.com/?p=85039 @hackreadより

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震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ

震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ

震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ https://www.iwate-np.co.jp/article/2021/4/5/94701

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Uber Eats、家電量販店から初のデリバリーを開始

Uber Eats、家電量販店から初のデリバリーを開始 https://www.uber.com/ja-JP/newsroom/uber-eats-edion/

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PHP repository moved to GitHub after malicious code inserted under creator Rasmus Lerdorf’s name

PHP repository moved to GitHub after malicious code inserted under creator Rasmus Lerdorf’s name https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/29/php_repository_infected/ @theregisterより

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Bell Labs transfers copyright of influential ‘Plan 9’ OS to new foundation

Bell Labs transfers copyright of influential ‘Plan 9’ OS to new foundation https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/24/bell_labs_transfers_plan9pto_foundation/ @theregisterより

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Pfizer begins early-stage study of oral COVID-19 drug

Pfizer begins early-stage study of oral COVID-19 drug https://reut.rs/3sfGSA5

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Crystal 1.0 – What to expect

Crystal 1.0 – What to expect https://crystal-lang.org/2021/03/22/crystal-1.0-what-to-expect.html @CrystalLanguageより

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従業員と家族、地域を守れ 公益資本主義で会社法を再建

従業員と家族、地域を守れ 公益資本主義で会社法を再建

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