Linux: Stable Debian 11 ‘bullseye’ arrives with five years of support

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Debian 11 gains exFAT filesystem support, over 10,000 new software packages, and long-term support.

The project behind the Debian Linux distribution has released stable Debian 11, codenamed ‘bullseye’. It’s a version that was two years, one month and nine days in the making. 

Debian 11 follows the 2019 release of Debian 10 ‘buster’. As ZDNet’s Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has noted, every Debian release is a big deal, with support coming from its user community rather than a company, as with SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES). Debian is also the core operating system for other Linux distributions such as Canonical’s Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS.

Debian 11 will get five years of support and is based on the Linux kernel 5.10 series, which was released in December with long-term support of between two and six years.