クボタ、無人コンバイン公開 農作業効率向上
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Cloud service goes down in its biggest region. Amazon Web Services is experiencing an outage at its US-East-1 cloud region…
Today we celebrate 30 years of #FreeBSD. Happy Birthday FreeBSD, and happy FreeBSD Day to all!
The rumors were true: Intel is officially killing off the “i” in “Core i9,” “Core i7,” “Core i5,” and “Core i3” — and it won’t broadly refer to its next series of processors as “14th Gen,” either…
自民党の「AIの進化と実装に関するプロジェクトチーム」で事務局長を務める衆議院議員の塩崎彰久氏は6月8日、デジタルガレージ主催の「THE NEW CONTEXT CONFERENCE TOKYO 2023 Summer」に登壇。自民党がまとめたAI政策提言の概要、および「G7広島サミット」の首脳声明に盛り込まれた「広島AIプロセス」について説明した…
Federal Trade Commission secures delay of $69bn deal which it argues would be anti-competitive…
2023年7月10日(月)16:50 – 18:35 (Zoomウェビナー)
From Talos, the giant bronze automaton who guarded the princess Europa in ancient Greek myths, to Cylons and Terminators, the idea of artificial humans has both fascinated and creeped us out for centuries…