If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

保護中: IZU OSHIMA '15 GW

保護中: IZU OSHIMA '15 GW


firewall-cmd –add-port

firewall-cmd –add-port

# firewall-cmd –list-service dhcpv6-client http https ssh # firewall-cmd –list-ports # firewall-cm…

Apache HTTP 2.4 RPMs for CentOS6

Apache HTTP Server http://httpd.apache.org/ httpd-2.4.12-1.x86_64.rpm httpd-debuginfo-2.4.12-1.x86_64.rpm http…

"My life exists with helping somebody"
4R, we have one of same goal!

4R, we have one of same goal!

Result: Start > Next > Finish, only 50 mins. Check out “R-body project“!  

yes, it is.

yes, it is.

AI, Night Rider, blah blah … I dream they can help us in the future. I had been able to feel it!

systemctl list-unit-files in trial #1

systemctl list-unit-files in trial #1

too many ? services. # systemctl list-unit-files | grep enable accounts-daemon.service enabled atd.service ena…


Cozy Kojima

Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:24:46 GMT
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– Public

こんにちは、グローバルソリューション事業部で運用等を行っている宇野と申します。 先に投稿された「Bash 脆弱性(1) CVE-2014-6271 / CVE-2014-7169 絶賛対応中です」の続きとして. 何が危険なのかを検証してみましたので、ご参照ください。 (追記)本検証はCVE-2014-6271に関する検証です …