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Windows 10, iOS, Chrome, and many others fall at China’s top hacking contest https://zd.net/3lcv7GW @ZDNet & @campuscodiより
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Microsoft’s Linux Systems Group launches CBL-Mariner https://enterprisetalk.com/quick-bytes/microsofts-linux-systems-group-launches-cbl-mariner/ @EnterpriseTalkより
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McDonald’s to debut ‘McPlant’ in 2021, Beyond Meat says co-created patty https://reut.rs/35eFd4x
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The Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer and BioNTech prevent more than 90% of infections in a study of tens of thousands of volunteers https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-09/pfizer-s-covid-vaccine-prevents-90-of-infections-in-large-s…
7 Git tricks that changed my life https://red.ht/34ghUH1 via @opensourceway by @acompiler_com
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Python replaces Java as second most popular language #Python #TIOBE: https://www.neowin.net/news/python-replaces-java-as-second-most-popular-language @NeowinFeedより
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MIT Team’s Cough Detector Identifies 97% of COVID-19 Cases Even in Asymptomatic People
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オンライン診療、かかりつけ医は初診含め原則解禁: 日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO65648240Q0A031C2EAF000/
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