Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

RT @linuxfoundation: 30 years ago today #LinusTorvalds introduced Linux to the world, sending this email out to fellow coders as…

RT @linuxfoundation: 30 years ago today #LinusTorvalds introduced Linux to the world, sending this email out to fellow coders asking for their thoughts and help. Linux was a hobby project that went on to change the lives of many + the world. Happy Bir…

埼玉りそな 新会社10月に設立 まちづくりを支援

埼玉りそな 新会社10月に設立 まちづくりを支援/埼玉県(テレ玉)

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Tesla Bot Takes Tech Demos to Their Logical Conclusion

Tesla Bot Takes Tech Demos to Their Logical Conclusion @wiredより


Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal

Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal
タバコの煙から抽出した物質にヒト細胞へのコロナ感染抑制効果を確認 | TECH+ https://news.mynavi….

Better Static Website Hosting on S3: AWS Solutions Architect’s Guide

Better Static Website Hosting on S3: AWS Solutions Architect’s Guide #aws @nodeployfridayより

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Contribute to OpenStreetMap from your phone

Contribute to OpenStreetMap from your phone via @opensourceway by @alynderthered1

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IBM introduces Telum chips aimed at AI inferencing workloads like fraud detection

IBM introduces Telum chips aimed at AI inferencing workloads like fraud detection @ZDNet & @dobesより

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OSS ライセンスの最近の潮流 : PolyForm License について

OSS ライセンスの最近の潮流: PolyForm License について

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人間の言葉からプログラムを自動的に書く「OpenAI Codex」を触って考えたこと

人間の言葉からプログラムを自動的に書く「OpenAI Codex」を触って考えたこと – WirelessWire News(ワイヤレスワイヤーニュース)

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