Better Static Website Hosting on S3: AWS Solutions Architect’s Guide

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

How to set up AWS S3 static website hosting with CloudFront and Route53. Handle SEO, HTTPS, logging, and more.

This guide is all about setting up and using an S3 bucket for static website hosting on AWS. I want this guide to be a complete source of knowledge on the topic (aside from the Amazon docs, I suppose). Please let me know in the comments if there’s anything I have missed, anything I got wrong, or anything you would like added.

I like simple. When deploying a new website or application, I want to know that it’s always up and available to users while also requiring no attention or maintenance from me. If you want your website to work this way too, use static website hosting. Skip all the hassle of dealing with VPSs, OS updates, patches, certificate expiration, etc. If you are running a small business website or a blog, this should be a no-brainer. AWS S3 provides a super-easy way to deploy a static site that will virtually always be available, never crash, and requires no maintenance.