Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

MariaDB Server 10.3/MariaDB TX 3.0リリース。Oracle Database互換機能を搭載し、同じデータ型やPL/SQLのストアドプロシジャをサポート

MariaDB Server 10.3/MariaDB TX 3.0リリース。Oracle Database互換機能を搭載し、同じデータ型やPL/SQLのストアドプロシジャをサポートMariaDB 10.3と、それをコアとするMariaDB TX 3.0がリリースされた。新機能としてOracle Database互換機能を搭載したのが目玉だ。今後もMariaDBはエンタープライズ向けに強化されていくと見られる…

High School in China Installs Facial Recognition Cameras to Monitor Students’ Attentiveness

High School in China Installs Facial Recognition Cameras to Monitor Students’ AttentivenessA high school in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province located on the eastern coast of China, has employed facial recognition technology to monitor students’ attentiv…

Woman says her Amazon device recorded private conversation, sent it out to random contact

Woman says her Amazon device recorded private conversation, sent it out to random contactA Portland family contacted Amazon to investigate after they say a private conversation in their home was recorded by Amazon’s Alexa — the voice-controlled smart …


GDPR施行、“同意の強制”でさっそくFacebookとGoogleに対し初の提訴 | TechCrunch Japan2年の移行期間を経て個人データの保護を目的とした、欧州の新しいプライバシーフレームワークGDPR(EU一般データ保護規則)が施行された。これを受け、長らくFacebookのプライバシー侵害を批判してきたMax Schrems(日本語版編集部注:Schremsは弁護士である)は、‘同意するか、利用をやめるか’をユーザーに迫るテック企業を相手どり、すかさず4つの訴状を提出した。

95% of IT “Engineers” in India Incapable, New Report Reveals

95% of IT “Engineers” in India Incapable, New Report RevealsA new report by Aspiring Minds, the world’s largest employability assessment company, has revealed that over 95 percent of all IT “engineers” in India are incapable of basic programming—shatte…

US takes aim at Russian hackers who infected over 500,000 routers

US takes aim at Russian hackers who infected over 500,000 routersThe VPNFilter malware targeted devices worldwide from Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear and TP-Link.

Pornhub launches VPNhub, its own virtual private network app

Pornhub launches VPNhub, its own virtual private network app“Adult entertainment” giant Pornhub is entering the busy virtual private network (VPN) space with the launch of its very own VPN service. Dubbed VPNhub, the new service is available for…

Starbucks Officially Says You Don’t Have To Buy Anything To Sit In Their Stores

Starbucks Officially Says You Don’t Have To Buy Anything To Sit In Their StoresThe coffee chain announces that guests aren’t obligated to make a purchase to sit in Starbucks stores or use their bathrooms.

“Low Television” as we imaged.

“Low Television” as we imaged.10代後半から20代の6人に1人がテレビ視聴なし、2万人調査で判明——サイバーエージェントテレビCMに接触する機会の少ない「ローテレ」層が若い人たちの中でますます増えているようです。…