Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

世界初 ヒトiPS細胞から複数臓器を同時に 東京医科歯科大

世界初 ヒトiPS細胞から複数臓器を同時に 東京医科歯科大 | NHKニュー&#x3…

India bans e-cigarette sales and says there’s an ‘epidemic’ of kids vaping

India bans e-cigarette sales and says there’s an “epidemic” of kids vaping…

人工血液、動物実験に成功 1年以上の常温保存も可能

人工血液、動物実験に成功 1年以上の常温保存も可能:朝日新聞デジタル …

Pokémon characters have their own pea-sized region in brain, study finds

Pokémon characters have their own pea-sized region in brain, study finds …

Good mews: A vaccine for your cat could stop humans having an allergic reaction to them

Vaccine for cats could stop humans having allergic reaction to them  via @MailOnline


人類に「しっぽ」を生やして重心をサポートするウェアラブルデバイスが開発される | ナゾロジー …

Amazon’s self-driving delivery robots are coming to California

Amazon’s self-driving delivery robots are coming to California … via @usatoday

Gogoro announces Yamaha, Aeon and PGO are the first manufacturers that will use its swappable batteries in their own scooters

Gogoro announces Yamaha, Aeon and PGO are the first manufacturers that will use its swappable batteries in their own scooters  @techcrunchより