IFTL and inQs Harvest Power From Colorless, Virtually Clear Glass
無色透明なのに太陽光で発電できる「発電ガラス」販売開始 – 家電 Watch https://kaden.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1347759.html
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無色透明なのに太陽光で発電できる「発電ガラス」販売開始 – 家電 Watch https://kaden.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1347759.html
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Osaka hospital accepting COVID-19 patients goes bankrupt in Japan first – The Mainichi https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210828/p2a/00m/0bu/004000c
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埼玉りそな 新会社10月に設立 まちづくりを支援/埼玉県(テレ玉)
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Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by suppressing its receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, via aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signal
タバコの煙から抽出した物質にヒト細胞へのコロナ感染抑制効果を確認 | TECH+ https://news.mynavi….
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Bird will slow your e-scooter down in high-pedestrian areas like schools https://mashable.com/article/bird-scooter-slow-down-community-safety-zones
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創薬、敗れざる者たち 日本発の革新が芽吹く https://business.nikkei.com/atcl/NBD/19/00117/00162/?n_cid=nbponb_twbn
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The best chat software for Linux, macOS and Windows isn’t Slack https://tek.io/3j2K52i @techrepublicより
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