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Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Why Nuro has quickly become one of the most well-funded autonomous-vehicle startups, raising $1.5 billion to compete in a crowded space already filled with heavy players

自動運転宅配「ニューロ」が収益化を実現する最有力候補と言える理由。トヨタ子会社ファンドも太鼓判|BUSINESS INSIDER via @BIJapan

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日本初、「工場を持たない」EVメーカー誕生の衝撃 – 佐川急便が配送用軽バンを7200台総取っ替えへ

日本初、「工場を持たない」EVメーカー誕生の衝撃 佐川急便が配送用軽バンを7200台総取っ替えへ | 電動化 – 東洋経済オンライン #東洋経済オンライン @Toyokeizaiより

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CR Engineers Show a Tesla Will Drive With No One in the Driver’s Seat

Tesla Will Drive With No One in the Driver’s Seat – Consumer Reports

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Toyota previews new hydrogen racing engine in enduro series

Toyota previews new hydrogen racing engine in enduro series @autocarより

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