投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

H2L – Happy Hacking Life

H2L – Happy Hacking Life


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キャンピングカーでテレワーク 京急電鉄とCarstay、『モバイル・オフィス』利用の実証実験を実施

キャンピングカーでテレワーク 京急電鉄とCarstay、『モバイル・オフィス』利用の実証実験を実施 | ニュースリリース | 京浜急行電鉄(KEIKYU) https://www.keikyu.co.jp/company/news/2020/20210216HP_20150IT.html

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Transcranial direct current stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex biases human hand choice

Transcranial direct current stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex biases human hand choice


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A terabyte isn’t what it used to be — 14% of Internet customers use more

A terabyte isn’t what it used to be—14% of Internet customers use more https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/02/internet-use-soared-throughout-2020-helping-isps-cash-in-on-data-caps/

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AdobeがPDFの簡単な編集ができるツールを無料公開 ファイルの変換や圧縮、追記などをWebブラウザで

AdobeがPDFの簡単な編集ができるツールを無料公開 ファイルの変換や圧縮、追記などをWebブラウザで – https://nlab.itmedia.co.jp/nl/articles/2102/15/news125.html

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Google Cloud lost $5.61 billion on $13.06 billion revenue last year

Google Cloud lost $5.61 billion on $13.06 billion revenue last year https://cnb.cx/3jc6LNh

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How much are open-source developers really worth? Hundreds of billions of dollars, say economists

How much are open-source developers really worth? Hundreds of billions of dollars, say economists https://zd.net/3aLGPEp @ZDNet & @daphneleprinceより

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Spotify to let employees keep working remotely and now choose what country they work from

Spotify to let employees keep working remotely and now choose what country they work from https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/12/22279951/spotify-remote-work-from-home-employees-choose-announcement?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&…