投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

16 reasons DDEV will be your new favorite web development environment

16 reasons DDEV will be your new favorite web development environment

16 reasons DDEV will be your new favorite web development environment https://red.ht/3Ukjkaq via @opensourceway by @randyfay(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Install open source solar power at home

Install open source solar power at home

Install open source solar power at home https://red.ht/3gRPgFy via @opensourceway by @ProfPearce(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

BBC must plan for full ‘switch-off’ of terrestrial TV

BBC must plan for full ‘switch-off’ of terrestrial TV

BBC must plan for full ‘switch-off’ of terrestrial TV https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/12/07/bbc-must-ready-end-terrestrial-tv-broadcasts-decade-says-tim/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)



プランニングから作品選びまで、Google が映画パーティのお手伝い 「OK Google」 と言ってはじめよう 忙しい年末こそ息抜きを忘れずに「ムービーナイトをカレンダーに追加 」 思い立った時に音声で操作。買い忘れを…

Stalkers’ “chilling” use of AirTags spurs class-action suit against Apple

Stalkers’ “chilling” use of AirTags spurs class-action suit against Apple

Stalkers’ “chilling” use of AirTags spurs class-action suit against Apple https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/12/apple-airtags-are-now-the-weapon-of-choice-for-stalkers-lawsuit-says/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Strep A is soaring in UK after pandemic lull; invasive infections kill 8

Strep A is soaring in UK after pandemic lull; invasive infections kill 8

Strep A is soaring in UK after pandemic lull; invasive infections kill 8 https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/12/in-wake-of-covid-scarlet-fever-and-invasive-strep-cases-soar-in-uk/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

San Francisco reverses plans to allow police robots to kill suspects

San Francisco reverses plans to allow police robots to kill suspects

San Francisco reverses plans to allow police robots to kill suspects https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/7/23497922/killer-robot-policy-san-francisco-reversed @Vergeより(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

Musk set to finally take wraps off Tesla truck – to tough crowd

Musk set to finally take wraps off Tesla truck – to tough crowd

Musk set to finally take wraps off Tesla truck – to tough crowd https://www.reuters.com/technology/musk-set-finally-take-wraps-off-tesla-truck-tough-crowd-2022-12-01/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)



iPS細胞を活用し化学物質の安全評価…動物実験の代替へ期待 : 読売新聞オンライン https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/science/20221203-OYT1T50194/(Feed generated with FetchRSS)