投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

School district uses ChatGPT to help remove library books

School district uses ChatGPT to help remove library books

Faced with new legislation, Iowa’s Mason City Community School District asked ChatGPT if certain books ‘contain a description or depiction of a sex act.’ …

AI Chatbots Are The New Job Interviewers

AI Chatbots Are The New Job Interviewers

Chatbots are increasingly being used by companies to interview and screen job applicants, often for blue collar jobs. But like other algorithmic hiring tools before them, experts and job applicants worry these tools could be biased…

It’s official, people aren’t watching TV as much as they used to

It’s official, people aren’t watching TV as much as they used to

New reports from Nielsen and Leichtman Research both highlight how quickly traditional TV is losing the fight to streaming, TikTok, and YouTube…

YouTube starts mass takedowns of videos promoting ‘harmful or ineffective’ cancer

YouTube starts mass takedowns of videos promoting ‘harmful or ineffective’ cancer

The platform will also take action against videos that discourage people from seeking professional medical treatment as it sets out its health policies going forward…

Japanese supermarket watches you shop so AI can suggest more stuff to buy

Japanese supermarket watches you shop so AI can suggest more stuff to buy

A Japanese supermarket has started analyzing customers’ in-store behavior and feeding it to a generative AI to drive an avatar that makes real-time suggestions about stuff you might want to buy …

Robotaxis score a huge victory in California with approval to operate 24/7

Robotaxis score a huge victory in California with approval to operate 24/7

After a six hour hearing, the California Public Utilities Commission voted to open the floodgate to autonomous vehicles. Public comment was sharply divided over the expansion of self-driving cars in San Francisco…



顔にボトックス注射を受けた人は、しわが薄くなり、元気で、穏やかで、若々しく見えるようになっただけでなく、以前より精神的に安定していることに気づくかもしれない。それは、鏡に映る顔への満足感だけによるものではない可能性がある。近年、うつ病や不安症に対するボトックス注射の効果が研究され、症状の大幅な改善につながる場合があることが明らかになってきている …

Future Peace Activities Exhibition – The World Connected by Technology –

Future Peace Activities Exhibition – The World Connected by Technology –

On August 6, 2023, we celebrated the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing. Hidenori Watanabe Laboratory, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, Japan Federation of Consumers’ Co-operative Associations, and Hiroshima Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. jointly held “Peace Activities Exhibition in the Future – The World Connected by Technology -” .

Windows 95, 98, and other decrepit versions can grab online updates again

Windows 95, 98, and other decrepit versions can grab online updates again

Retro-computing fans can download the final updates released for ’90s-era OSes …