投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

New rules would limit sugar in school meals for first time

New rules would limit sugar in school meals for first time

U.S. agriculture officials on Friday proposed new nutrition standards for school meals, including the first limits on added sugars, with a focus on sweetened foods such as cereals, yogurt, flavored milk and breakfast pastries.



あなたが50代なら、おそらく左手にスマホを持って右手の人差し指で操作をしているのではないか。20代なら右手にスマホを持って右手親指で操作している可能性が高い。電車の中でちょっと観察すると、そのような傾向がありそうなことに気づく。一方、海外で観察していると、日本とはちょっと違うようにも見える …




Reinventing search with a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge, your copilot for the web

Reinventing search with a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge, your copilot for the web

To empower people to unlock the joy of discovery, feel the wonder of creation and better harness the world’s knowledge, today we’re improving how the world benefits from the web by reinventing the tools billions of people use every day, the search engine and the browser.

CatGPT: It’s like ChatGPT but not useful in any way whatsoever #cats #ChatGPT #llm #ml

CatGPT: It’s like ChatGPT but not useful in any way whatsoever #cats #ChatGPT #llm #ml

I want the readers of this article to close their eyes for a moment. Think back to the dark ages. No, not the period between the fall of the western Roman empire and the Renaissance. I’m talking about a time when you were alive and didn’t have a high-speed Internet connection. How useful was the Internet … ?

あなたの「本当の年齢」は? 老化の度合いはやはり顔でわかる

あなたの「本当の年齢」は? 老化の度合いはやはり顔でわかる



Panasonic says stop wearing socks while you sleep

Panasonic says stop wearing socks while you sleep

TOKYO – I never thought I would admit to this, but I love sleeping in socks with holes in them. Wearing normal socks always felt too constricting, but especially during the winter months, not wearing socks was just too cold. A sock with a hole — and the bigger the better — always felt just right.

Reenlistment at Gundam Factory Yokohama

Reenlistment at Gundam Factory Yokohama

YOKOHAMA, Japan (Apr. 22, 2023) – Logistic Specialist 2nd Class Shane Labeach took an oath of enlistment from by NAVSUP FLC Yokosuka Commanding Officer Capt. Edward Pidgeon during a reenlistment ceremony held before …

Update your edge devices with this open source bootloader

Update your edge devices with this open source bootloader

Luos’s open source bootloader updates all the boards of your edge or embedded system through one physical connection to your network without requiring physical access to the other boards …