投稿者: Cozy

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

0.2秒で顔認証+発熱者検知 マスク着用の判定も アイリスオーヤマが新製品

0.2秒で顔認証+発熱者検知 マスク着用の判定も アイリスオーヤマが新製品 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2006/26/news058.html#utm_term=share_sp

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NASA wants to hear your ideas for engineering the best toilet to use on the Moon

NASA wants to hear your ideas for engineering the best toilet to use on the Moon https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/25/21302406/nasa-artemis-astronauts-human-lunar-lander-toilet-competition?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_sou…

Apple introduces macOS Big Sur with a beautiful new design


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Google Open Source Blog: Tsunami: An extensible network scanning engine for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence

Google Open Source Blog: Tsunami: An extensible network scanning engine for detecting high severity vulnerabilities with high confidence https://opensource.googleblog.com/2020/06/tsunami-extensible-network-scanning.html

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Robot built for Japan’s ageing workforce finds COVID-19 role

Robot built for Japan’s ageing workforce finds COVID-19 role https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/japan-ugo-robot-covid-19-coronavirus-12819456#.XvCb0UnVDWQ.twitter

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NHS Covid app developers ‘tried to block rival symptom trackers’

NHS Covid app developers ‘tried to block rival symptom trackers’ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jun/20/nhs-covid-app-developers-tried-to-block-rival-symptom-trackers?CMP=share_btn_tw

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「論文を読むAI」でがんゲノム医療は迅速な治療検討が可能に 激変する医療AI業界

RT @dot_asahi_pub: 「論文を読むAI」でがんゲノム医療は迅速な治療検討が可能に 激変する医療AI業界 https://dot.asahi.com/dot/2020061900006.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=social #AERAdot #週刊朝日 #AERA

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機械学習エンジニアは10年後には存在しないだろう。 https://ainow.ai/2020/06/09/223778/

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Megabar expanding/shrinking issue and epilepsy

Megabar expanding/shrinking issue and epilepsy

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