Lambda, Razer launch laptop for deep-learning app development

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Not all IT administrators realize this, but when an enterprise is developing deep-learning applications for industrials, pharmaceuticals, academics and medical research, it’s much more efficient and time-saving to develop them using Linux workstations. Why? Because the apps eventually will run on Linux production servers and they’ll have been talking the same code language long before they connect.

Lining up the apps built on Linux laptops running operating systems such as Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian or others with production servers running the same operating systems avoids many potential snafus when putting the apps into action, an expert in this field, Stephen Balaban, CEO and cofounder of Lambda, told VentureBeat.

About 42% of all production web servers run Linux of some kind, while Windows servers make up about 20% of the market, according to W3Techs. In the total global server market (most of which are in data centers), Linux or Unix servers make up 19%, while Windows comprises about 72% of the market, according to Statista …