Why can’t we imagine the twenty-second century?

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

WIRED JAPAN VOL. 43 “THE WORLD IN 2022 is a special issue in which visionaries, entrepreneurs, and big thinkers from around the world look ahead to the year 2022. In this issue, a wide variety of contributors, including Bill Gates, Audrey Tan, Mariana Mazzucato, Kai-Fu Lee, and Ellen MacArthur, decipher the latest trends for 2022 through keywords. Here is a message from Michiaki Matsushima, the Editor-in-Chief of WIRED JAPAN, regarding the publication of this latest issue.

We are pleased to present the latest edition of “THE WORLD IN—”, a popular WIRED project of that brings you next year’s hottest keywords as well as signs of important paradigm shifts across a total of ten genres. Following the release of this issue of the magazine, a special exhibition entitled 2121 Futures In-Sight will be held at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT in Tokyo Midtown for six months beginning on December 21, 2021. The theme of the exhibition is related to the human activity of thinking about how life will be a hundred years from now, or in other words, thinking about “thinking about the future,” and I am serving as the director of this exhibition. “Thinking about the future” is, of course, WIRED’s very own theme tune, and we are fortunate in having secured the participation of many creators, artists, and big thinkers at the forefront of the present era, who we refer to (arbitrarily) as the “WIRED family”.