Weekend poll: When was the last time your phone overheated — if ever?

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

How’s it handling this heat wave?

Summer is nearly upon us, but the northeast’s record-setting heat wave this weekend might have you convinced it’s already here, calendar be damned. As we spend more time outdoors, it’s not just sunscreen you need to worry about; your smartphone can also get pretty toasty. So, when was the last time your phone overheated?

A lot of factors play into how a phone might overheat, like your climate, how you use it, and even your case. Taking lots of photos or recording video is more likely to warm things up than, say, reading emails, but hardware can also be a factor — some chipsets just run hot.

An overheating phone isn’t something I run into very often, but it has happened to me over the last year or two when using the camera a lot outside on a hot day. My girlfriend, who has been spending a lot of time in the backyard these last few warm days, has already run into issues after leaving her phone in the sun.