New Ericsson street solutions equip busy urban locations with low-visibility, high-performance 5G radios

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

New solutions will accelerate 5G deployments in urban hotspots, with fast ‘plug-and-play’ deployments that can be installed on site in as little as 15 minutes
Compact, lightweight radios are designed to seamlessly blend in with streetlights, buildings and other urban hardscapes
By boosting performance across all spectrum layers, Ericsson’s zero-footprint radios can achieve 5x better network performance

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) is expanding its portfolio of 5G radios with three new offerings geared toward urban environments. Part of Ericsson Street Solutions, these radios will allow communications service providers (CSPs) to build robust 5G service across all bands in urban environments while blending in seamlessly with the cityscapes.

“Urban deployments are critical for reaching the full potential of 5G,” said Kevin Zvokel, Head of Networks for Ericsson North America. “We know CSPs are looking for ways to deploy quickly and with simplicity, maximizing the 5G user experience while leveraging minimally intrusive equipment. Ericsson’s solutions do just this and can bring a complete 5G network to life across all bands.”