Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory



最近、「プロンプトエンジニア」という職種が脚光を浴びている。米ブルームバーグは2023年3月末、この職種の雇用市場が急拡大していると報じた。プロンプトとは、生成AI(人工知能)に入力する指示文のことだ …

Google AI pioneer says he quit to speak freely about technology’s ‘dangers’

Google AI pioneer says he quit to speak freely about technology’s ‘dangers’

A pioneer of artificial intelligence said he quit Google (GOOGL.O) to speak freely about the technology’s dangers, after realising computers could become smarter than people far sooner than he and other experts had expected …

JR東日本、上越新幹線で自動運転 30年代に東京―新潟間

JR東日本、上越新幹線で自動運転 30年代に東京―新潟間

JR東日本は9日、上越新幹線の東京―新潟間で、運転士のいない「ドライバーレス運転」を2030年代中ごろに導入すると発表した。添乗員付きの自動運転に相当する「GoA3」レベルの実用化を目指し、北陸新幹線でも導入を検討する。同社管内の新幹線で自動運転を取り入れるのは初めてで、運行業務の効率化につなげる …

ChatGPT returns to Italy after ban

ChatGPT returns to Italy after ban

It says it’s ‘addressed or clarified’ issues raised by data protection regulators.
ChatGPT maker OpenAI has restored access to its service in Italy, saying it has implemented changes to satisfy Italian regulators …

‘Overemployed’ people using ChatGPT to secretly work multiple full-time jobs

‘Overemployed’ people using ChatGPT to secretly work multiple full-time jobs

As the disturbingly rapid rise in artificial intelligence tools threatens to wipe out millions of jobs around the world, a small number of the “overemployed” are exploiting tools like ChatGPT to secretly work multiple full-time jobs …

What if someone mixed The Sims with ChatGPT bots? It would look like this

What if someone mixed The Sims with ChatGPT bots? It would look like this

Has science GONE TOO FAR?

Chatbots like Google’s LaMDA or OpenAI’s ChatGPT are not sentient nor that intelligent. Nonetheless, boffins believe they can use these large language models to simulate human behavior inspired by one of the world’s most popular early computer games and some AI code …

Almost 20% of people use ChatGPT regularly. But what exactly are they doing with it?

Almost 20% of people use ChatGPT regularly. But what exactly are they doing with it?

ChatGPT burst onto the scene late last year, and since then, it’s inspired a deluge of think pieces, debate, and prognostications from AI experts. But how are the majority of people actually using it, and what do they think?

Turns out people don’t like it when they suspect a machine’s talking to them

Turns out people don’t like it when they suspect a machine’s talking to them

Also this just in, people not that into insincere messages

You might find using AI technology helpful when chatting to others, but this latest research shows people will think less of someone using such tools …

Giant ride-on spider robot

What in the actual? The Hacksmith has turned out their biggest ever build, and we were thrilled to learn that it’s running on Revolution Pi – an industrial device with a Raspberry Pi at its heart …