
Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Updated Windows 11 24H2, then …

Updated Windows 11 24H2, then …

ネットワーク共有ドライブにアクセスできなくなった!時には、[Windows11] 24H2更新後「組織のセキュリティポリシーによって非認証のゲスト アクセスがブロックされている」と表示され共有フォルダにアクセスできない …

Japanese supermarket watches you shop so AI can suggest more stuff to buy

Japanese supermarket watches you shop so AI can suggest more stuff to buy

A Japanese supermarket has started analyzing customers’ in-store behavior and feeding it to a generative AI to drive an avatar that makes real-time suggestions about stuff you might want to buy …

名古屋港にコクヨ、エーザイ…相次ぐランサムウエア感染 被害防止には「早期発見」

名古屋港にコクヨ、エーザイ…相次ぐランサムウエア感染 被害防止には「早期発見」

身代金要求型コンピューターウイルス「ランサムウエア」の被害が相次いでいる。4日には、貨物取扱量が国内最大の名古屋港の情報システムが感染して障害が発生し、トヨタ自動車など利用する企業の物流に影響を与えた。犯行集団の「プロ化」とともに被害は急増しており、専門家は十分な対策を講じるよう呼びかけている …

AWS US-East-1 Lamda outage causes issues globally

AWS US-East-1 Lamda outage causes issues globally

Cloud service goes down in its biggest region. Amazon Web Services is experiencing an outage at its US-East-1 cloud region…

Activision Blizzard: US judge blocks takeover by Microsoft until further hearings

Activision Blizzard: US judge blocks takeover by Microsoft until further hearings

Federal Trade Commission secures delay of $69bn deal which it argues would be anti-competitive…




Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Facial recognition has been one of the hallmark features of Google Photos since the app’s release, but it’s recently gotten a lot more powerful …

There’s a new form of keyless car theft that works in under 2 minutes

There’s a new form of keyless car theft that works in under 2 minutes

As car owners grow hip to one form of theft, crooks are turning to new ones.
When a London man discovered the front left-side bumper of his Toyota RAV4 torn off …

GitHub publishes RSA SSH host keys by mistake, issues update

GitHub publishes RSA SSH host keys by mistake, issues update

Getting connection failures? Don’t panic. Get new keys
GitHub has updated its SSH keys after accidentally publishing the private part to the world. Whoops.
A post on GitHub’s security blog reveals that the biz has changed its RSA SSH host keys. This is going to cause connection errors, and some frightening warning messages, for a lot of developers, but it’s all right: it’s not scary hackk0r activity, just plain old human error …