If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

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Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Google confirms Photos can now “facially” recognize you from behind (Updated)

Facial recognition has been one of the hallmark features of Google Photos since the app’s release, but it’s recently gotten a lot more powerful …

UK car rental service delivers your car via remote control

UK car rental service delivers your car via remote control

Vehicles hired through Fetch are piloted to the customer by an operator at a remote location, though customers will still have to manually drive them for the duration of their rentals …



政府は9日、東京電力管内で7、8月の2か月間に限り、節電要請を行うことを正式に決定した。昨年に続き2年連続で、数値目標は設けない。東電管内以外の地域は節電を要請しない …

Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s new ,499 AR headset

Apple Vision Pro is Apple’s new $3,499 AR headset

Apple has announced an augmented reality headset called Apple Vision Pro that “seamlessly” blends the real and digital world. “It’s the first Apple product you look through, and not at,” CEO Tim Cook said of the device, which looks like a pair of ski goggles …

Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS

Introducing the Azure Linux container host for AKS

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Azure Linux container host for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The Azure Linux container host for AKS is a lightweight, secure, and reliable OS platform optimized for performance on Azure …

Nearly 4,000 people lost their jobs last month because of AI — the first time that’s been cited as a reason, one report says

Nearly 4,000 people lost their jobs last month because of AI — the first time that’s been cited as a reason, one report says

About 3,900 people lost their jobs because of artificial intelligence in May, a new report found …

セルフレジ導入で「仕事が増えた」店員の悲鳴 「苛立つ客の操作補助がストレス」「万引きの判断が難しすぎる」

セルフレジ導入で「仕事が増えた」店員の悲鳴 「苛立つ客の操作補助がストレス」「万引きの判断が難しすぎる」

人手不足の解消や業務の省力化などを狙って、スーパーやコンビニで相次いで導入されるようになった「セルフレジ」。商品のバーコード読み取りから会計操作までを客自身が行なうため、慣れない中高年層を中心に戸惑いの声は多い。ただ、戸惑っているのは来店客ばかりではない …

全国で初 AI=人工知能を取り入れた自動車教習

全国で初 AI=人工知能を取り入れた自動車教習


Tech layoffs ravage the teams that fight online misinformation and hate speech

Tech layoffs ravage the teams that fight online misinformation and hate speech

Meta, Amazon, Alphabet and Twitter have all drastically reduced the size of their teams focused on internet trust and safety as well as ethics as the companies focus on cost cuts…