
Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Success of the exhibition “Convergence of Peace Activities” テクノロジーでつながる平和活動展を開催

Success of the exhibition “Convergence of Peace Activities” テクノロジーでつながる平和活動展を開催


Exhibition of digitized wartime photos organized by Japan researchers to be held in NY

Exhibition of digitized wartime photos organized by Japan researchers to be held in NY

TOKYO — An exhibition featuring a digital archive of images showing wartime damage will be held on Aug. …

NY exhibit showcases use of tech to connect, converge peace activities

NY exhibit showcases use of tech to connect, converge peace activities

An exhibition featuring digital archives of war damage in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Ukraine, shown on a multiscr…

NY exhibit showcases use of tech to connect, converge peace activities

“Convergence of Peace Activities” テクノロジーでつながる平和活動 展

RT @UTokyo_News: [プレスリリース ]“Convergence of Peace Activities” テクノロジーでつながる平和活動 展―広報室
https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/ja/press/z0508_00231.html(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ

震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ

震災遺族らの歩みから学ぶ 宮古でワークショップ https://www.iwate-np.co.jp/article/2021/4/5/94701

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「崩壊へのカウントダウンが始まった」世界遺産・軍艦島からの報告(前編) https://xtech.nikkei.com/atcl/nxt/column/18/00585/080500048/?n_cid=nbpnxt_twbn

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Liquid Galaxy + Cesium + Art – un/real engine

Liquid Galaxy + Cesium + Art – un/real engine

We make a show at the event of un/real engine ―― 慰霊のエンジニアリング Liquid Galaxy + Cesium #2

Displays & Setting Stories of Liquid Galaxy

Displays & Setting Stories of Liquid Galaxy

Liquid Galaxy produced by End Point Corp. has various us cases with displays. Grab their attention and inspire…

Shinobazu Wonder 12 – 明治アーティストの離合聚散 + Liquid Galaxy

Shinobazu Wonder 12 – 明治アーティストの離合聚散 + Liquid Galaxy

明治時代のしのばずエリア(上野と本郷を中心とする御徒町・湯島・谷中・根津・千駄木地域)に居を構え、芸術活動に身を投じた個性豊かなワンダーアーティスト12名をご紹介いたします。 上野という美術の戦場(博覧会、展覧会、競技会…