Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Gogoro announces Yamaha, Aeon and PGO are the first manufacturers that will use its swappable batteries in their own scooters

Gogoro announces Yamaha, Aeon and PGO are the first manufacturers that will use its swappable batteries in their own scooters  @techcrunchより

Robotic contact lens that allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes revealed by scientists

Robotic contact lens that allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes revealed by scientists

Robotic contact lens allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes …

Elon Musk reveals brain-hacking plans

BBC News – Elon Musk reveals brain-hacking plans …


「血液1滴で13種がん検出」、実用化が目前に …


ゲノム編集CRISPRに新たな進歩!トランスポゾンを用いた遺伝子導入 … @より

For the First Time, Researchers Eliminated HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals

For the first time, researchers eliminate HIV from the genomes of living animals …

全自動衣類折りたたみ機「ランドロイド」開発元破産 赤字続きで発売に至らず

全自動衣類折りたたみ機「ランドロイド」開発元破産 赤字続きで発&#x5…



存在感を増す医療向けAR/VR、世界的カンファレンスでもキートレンドに – 起業家医師から見た医療×VRのいま –

存在感を増す医療向けAR/VR、世界的カンファレンスでもキートレンドに &ndash…