Filipino lawmaker wants to punish people for ghosting

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

MANILA — A Filipino lawmaker wants “ghosting” — the act of abruptly severing communication without explanation — to be declared an emotional offense.

Arnolfo Teves Jr., a member of the Nationalist People’s Coalition, which is allied with the ruling administration, says that “ghosting is a form of spite that develops feelings of rejection and neglect” and should be considered an abusive act.

The proposed bill, which was put forward last month but shared publicly this week, does not suggest any penalties, although it does say the act “should be punished.”

The proposal has sparked amusement on social media — but also criticism that it is a distraction as the country faces a cost of living crisis.

In the document entitled “An act declaring ghosting as an emotional offense,” Teves claims that ghosting is a form of cruelty prevalent in today’s world. He says that, thanks to technology, “the realm of dating has changed exponentially compared to previous years,” which means people are easily able to cut ties with one another — without considering the other person’s feelings.