New Password Study by HYPR Finds 78% of People Had to Reset a Password They Forgot in Past 90 Days

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

35% Of People Keep All Their Passwords in Notebooks, Excel Files, Sticky Notes, etc.
2+ Year Study Examines Human Behavior, Providing Insight to How Personal and Work Related Passwords are Utilized

NEW YORK, December 10, 2019 — Passwords are the dominant way online services manage access to our personal and work-related lives. But often times, they’re more of a headache than a security tool. Today, HYPR, the leading provider of True Passwordless Security, released the findings of a two and a half year Password Usage Study, which compiled data from over 500 full-time workers across the United States and Canada to better understand how individuals use, treat and manage their passwords.

The study was developed by Yan Grinshtein, Head of User Experience at HYPR, who oversees the personal journeys users have for the company’s enterprise-facing solutions. It was split between two parts. The first part, purely workforce-related, helped understand how people use and manage passwords at their workplaces, while the second part was aimed to understand how people use and manage passwords in their personal life such as shopping, financial services, social, and more…