A controversial startup that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with young blood is opening its first clinic

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

  • A startup called Ambrosia Medical that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with the blood of young people plans to launch its first clinic in New York City at the end of this year.
  • Founded by Stanford graduate Jesse Karmazin, the company recently completed the first clinical trialdesigned to assess the benefits of young blood transfusions.
  • Although his team has not yet published the results of the trial, Karmazin said the results were “really positive.”

To startup founder and Stanford Medical graduate Jesse Karmazin, blood is the next big government-approved drug.

Karmazin recently launched Ambrosia Medical— a startup that fills the veins of older people with fresh blood from young donors — in the hopes that the procedure will help conquer aging by rejuvenating the body’s organs. The company plans to open its first clinic in New York City by the end of this year, Karmazin told Business Insider.

In 2017, Ambrosia enrolled people in the first US clinical trial designed to find out what happens when the veins of adults are filled with blood from the young.

While the results of that study have not yet been made public, Karmazin told Business Insider the results were “really positive.”